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Gebruiker:Evil berry/Kladblok/Geweldloos verzet

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De Zoutmars op 12 maart 1930.
Een demonstrant biedt een bloem aan aan de militaire politie in een Nationaal Mobilisatiecomité om de oorlog in Vietnam te beëindigen - gesponsord protest in Arlington, Virginia, op 21 oktober 1967.
Een "No NATO"-demonstrant in Chicago In 2012.

Geweldloos verzet (geweldloze actie) is de praktijk van het bereiken van doelen zoals sociale verandering door symbolische protesten, burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid, economische of politieke weigering om mee te werken, satyagraha of andere methoden, die allen geweldloos zijn.

Dit type actie benadrukt de wensen van een individu of groep die vindt dat er iets moet veranderen om de huidige toestand van de persoon of groep die weerstand biedt of van een andere persoon of groep te verbeteren.

Geweldloos verzet wordt vaak, zij het ten onrechte beschouwd als synoniem voor burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid. Elk van deze termen - geweldloos verzet en burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid - heeft verschillende connotaties en verplichtingen. Berel Lang pleit tegen het gelijkstellen van geweldloos verzet an burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid omdat de noodzakelijke voorwaarden voor een daad van burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid de volgende zijn: (1) dat de daad in strijd is met de wet, (2) dat de handeling opzettelijk wordt uitgevoerd, en (3 ), dat de persoon in kwestie anticipeert op en bereidwillig strafmaatregelen accepteert van de kant van de staat tegen hem als vergelding voor deze daad. Omdat daden van geweldloos politiek verzet niet noodzakelijk aan een van deze criteria hoeft te voldoen, argumenteert Lang dat de twee begrippen niet aan elkaar kunnen worden gelijkgesteld. [1] Bovendien is burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid een soort van politieke actie die noodzakelijkerwijs gericht is op hervorming en niet op revolutie: haar inspanningen zijn doorgaans gericht op het betwisten van bepaalde wetten of een reeks wetten, terwijl zij de autoriteit van de regering die ervoor verantwoordelijk is erkent. Politieke daden van geweldloos verzet kunnen daarentegen wel degelijk revolutionaire doelen hebben. Ten slotte hoeft burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid volgens Lang ook niet per se geweldloos te zijn, hoewel de omvang en intensiteit van het geweld wordt beperkt door de niet-revolutionaire bedoelingen van de personen die zich bezighouden met burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid. Lang stelt bijvoorbeeld dat het gewelddadige verzet van burgers die gedwongen worden overgebracht naar detentiecentra, zolang het niet gaat over het gebruik van dodelijk geweld tegen vertegenwoordigers van de staat, aannemelijk kan worden beschouwd als burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid, maar niet als geweldloos verzet.

Belangrijke voorvechters van geweldloos verzet zijn Mahatma Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau, Te Whiti o Rongomai, Tohu Kākahi, Leo Tolstoj, Alice Paul, Martin Luther King Jr., Daniel Berrigan, Philip Berrigan, James Bevel, Václav Havel, Andrej Sacharov, Lech Wałęsa, Gene Sharp, Nelson Mandela en vele anderen.

Van 1966 tot 1999 speelde geweldloos burgerverzet een cruciale rol in zevenenvijftig transities van autoritarisme naar democratie. [2] De zingende revolutie in de Baltische staten leidde in 1991 tot de ontbinding van de Sovjet-Unie. Onlangs heeft geweldloos verzet geleid tot de rozenrevolutie in Georgië en de jasmijnrevolutie in Tunesië. Recent geweldloos verzet is onder andere de jeansrevolutie in Wit-Rusland, de Black Lives Matter-beweging in aanvankelijk enkel de Verenigde Staten en nu internationaal, de strijd van de Cubaanse dissidenten, en internationaal de Extinction Rebellion en schoolstaking voor het klimaat. Veel bewegingen die geweldloosheid of pacifisme promoten, hebben pragmatisch de methoden van geweldloos handelen aangenomen als een effectieve manier om sociale of politieke doelen te bereiken. Ze maken gebruik van tactieken van geweldloos verzet zoals: informatieoorlogvoering, staken, marsen, wakes, folderen, samizdat, magnitizdat, satyagraha, protestkunst, protestmuziek en poëzie, het onderwijzen van de gemeenschap en het bewustzijn verhogen, lobbyen, belastingweerstand, burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid, boycots of sancties, juridisch/diplomatiek worstelen, ondergrondse spoorwegen, principiële weigering van prijzen/onderscheidingen en algemene stakingen. Geweldloos verzet verschilt van pacifisme doordat het mogelijk proactief en interventionistisch kan zijn.

Er is veel werk verricht om de factoren aan te pakken die tot gewelddadige mobilisatie leiden, maar er is minder aandacht besteed aan het begrijpen waarom geschillen gewelddadig of geweldloos worden, waarbij deze twee worden vergeleken als strategische keuzes met betrekking tot conventionele politiek. [3]

Geschiedenis[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Datering Regio Hoofdartikel Samenvatting Referenties
470–391 v.Chr. China Mohisme The Mohist philosophical school disapproved of war. However, since they lived in a time of warring polities, they cultivated the science of Fortificatie.
rond 26–36 n.Chr. Judea Pontius Pilatus Joden demonstrated in Caesarea to try to convince Pontius Pilate not to set up Romeinse standards, with images of the Roman emperor and the eagle of Jupiter, in Jeruzalem (both images were considered idolatrie by religious Jews). Pilate surrounded the Jewish protesters with soldiers and threatened them with death, to which they replied that they were willing to die rather than see the laws of the Thora violated.
Voor 1500–1835 Chathameilanden, Nieuw-Zeeland Moriori The Moriori were a branch of the Nieuw-Zeeland Māori that colonized the Chathameilanden and eventually became jager-verzamelaars. Their lack of resources and small population made conventional war unsustainable, so it became customary to resolve disputes nonviolently or ritually. Due to this tradition of nonviolence, the entire population of 2000 people was enslaved, killed or cannibalized when 900 Māori invaded the island in 1835. [4][5][6]
1819 Engeland Peterloo-bloedbad Famine and chronic unemployment, coupled with the lack of kiesrecht in northern England, led to a peaceful demonstration of 60.000–80.000 persons, including women and children. The demonstration was organized and rehearsed, with a "prohibition of all weapons of offence or defence" and exhortations to come "armed with no other weapon but that of a self-approving conscience". Cavalerie charged into the crowd, met getrokken sabels, and in the ensuing confusion, 15 people were killed and 400–700 were injured. Newspapers expressed horror, and Percy Shelley glorified nonviolent resistance in the poem The Masque of Anarchy. However, de Britse regering cracked down on reform, with the passing of what became known as the Six Acts.
1823–1829 Ierland Catholic Association One of the first mass-membership political movements of Europe, the Catholic Association was founded by Daniel O'Connell to use non-violent means to push the British government to pass Catholic emancipation, which culminated in the passing of the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 by the government of de hertog van Wellington
1834–1838 Trinidad Einde van de slavernij in Trinidad The Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Ierland, then the colonial power in Trinidad, first announced in 1833 the impending total vrijlating van slaven by 1840. In 1834 at an address by the Governor at Government House about the new laws, an unarmed group of mainly elderly people of African descent began chanting: "Pas de six ans. Point de six ans" ("No six years. Not at all six years"), drowning out the voice of the Governor. Peaceful protests continued until the passing of a resolution to abolish apprenticeship and the achievement of de facto freedom. [7][8]
1838 Verenigde Staten van Amerika Cherokee-verwijdering The majority of Cherokee refused to recognize the minority-promulgated Verdrag van New Echota and therefore did not sell their livestock or goods, and did not pack anything to travel to the west before the soldiers came and forcibly removed them. That ended tragically in the Cherokee trail of tears.
1848–1920 Verenigde Staten van Amerika Vrouwenstemrecht in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika A political movement that spanned over a century, where women protested in order to receive the right to suffrage in the United States.
1849–1867 Keizerrijk Oostenrijk Passief verzet (Hongarije) In the failed Hongaarse Revolutie van 1848, the Hungarians tried to regain independence, and were defeated by the Austrian Empire only with the aid of the keizerrijk Rusland. After 1848, the empire instituted several constitutional reforms, trying to resolve the problem, but without success. The resistance was instrumental in keeping up hope and spirit in a Hungary fully incorporated into Austria and characterized by reprisals against political dissidents, thousands of treason trials, military governance, centralization, absolutism, censorship and direct control of Vienna over every aspect of public life. Their followers carefully avoided any political agitation or criticism of the establishment, and strictly concentrated on national issues of non-political nature, such as the use of the Hongaars, development of the Hungarian economy, and protection of the legal standing of the Hongaarse Academie van Wetenschappen.
1867–1918 Oostenrijk-Hongarije Oude Tsjechische Partij Passive resistance of the Old Czech Party reacted on autonomy gained to the koninkrijk Hongarije, but not to the Landen van de Boheemse kroon within the Keizerrijk Oostenrijk. After 1874, wing of the party disagreeing with passive resistance stance, formed new Young Czech Party. Old Czechs remained with their politics, but they lost decisive influence in the politics of the koninkrijk Bohemen.
1860–1894, 1915–1918 Nieuw-Zeeland Tainui-Waikato Māori King Tāwhiao forbade Waikato Māori using violence in the face of British kolonisatie, saying in 1881, "The killing of men must stop; the destruction of land must stop. I shall bury my patu in the earth and it shall not rise again ... Waikato, lie down. Do not allow blood to flow from this time on." This was inspirational to Waikato Māori who refused to fight in Eerste Wereldoorlog. In response, the government brought in dienstplicht for the Tainui-Waikato people (other Māori iwi were exempt) but they continued to resist, the majority of conscripts choosing to suffer harsh military punishments rather than join the army. For the duration of the war, no Tainui soldiers were sent overseas. [9]
1879–1881 Nieuw-Zeeland Parihaka The Māori village of Parihaka became the center of passive resistance campaigns against Europeans occupying confiscated land in the area. More than 400 followers of the prophet Te Whiti o Rongomai were arrested and jailed, most without trial. Sentences as long as 16 months were handed out for the acts of ploughing land and erecting fences on their property. More than 2000 inhabitants remained seated when 1600 armed soldiers raided and destroyed the village. [10][11]
1903–1906 Verenigd Koninkrijk Protest tegen de Education Act van 1902 This civil disobedience movement was launched against the Education Act of 1902 to defend the rights and influence of non-conformistische denominations in British school boards. Nonconformists believed this law to be calculated to support denominational (mainly Anglicanen en katholieken) religious teaching in the schools. John Clifford, a baptistische dominee, led the movement, which consisted in refusing to pay the taxes established by the 1902 Education Act. By 1906, over 170 men had been imprisoned for this refusal, and yet no change to the law was made.[12] The movement had a large share in the defeat of the Unionistische regering-Balfour in January 1906 but failed to achieve its ultimate aim of getting a nondenominational act passed.
1905 Rusland Bloedige Zondag (1905) Unarmed demonstrators led by Father Georgy Gapon marched to the Winter Palace to present a petition to the Czar. They were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard.
1908–1962 Samoa Mau-beweging Geweldloze beweging voor Samoaanse onafhankelijkheid van koloniale overheersing in de vroege 20e eeuw. [13][14]
1919. 2.8, 3.1 Korea 1 maart-beweging Deze beweging was de inspiratie voor het latere Satyagraha—verzet van Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi en verschillende andere geweldloze bewegingen in Azië. [15]
1919-1922 Egypte Egyptische Revolutie (1919) A countrywide revolution against the British occupation of Egypt. It was carried out by Egyptians from different walks of life in the wake of the British-ordered exile of revolutionary leader Zaghloel Pasja and other members of the Wafd-partij in 1919. The event led to Egyptian independence in 1922 and the implementation of a new constitution in 1923.
1919–1921 Ierland Ierse Niet-medewerkingsbeweging During the Ierse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, Irish nationalists used many non-violent means to resist Britse overheersing. Amongst these was abstention from the Britse parlement, tax boycotts, and the creation of alternative local government, Dáil Courts, and police. [16]
1919–heden Israël/Palestina Palestijns geweldloos verzet Peace camps and strategic non-violent resistance to Israeli construction of Israëlische nederzettingen en de Israëlische Westoeverbarrière have been adopted as tactics by Palestinians as part of the Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict. For example, citizens of the Palestinian village of Beit Sahur engaged in a tax strike during the First Intifada.

In 2010, A "White Intifada" took hold in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Activities included weekly peaceful protests by Palestinian activists accompanied by Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem and Israeli academics and students against settlers and security forces. The EU, through its foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton has criticised Israel for convicting an organiser of the peaceful movement and said that she was deeply concerned about the arrest of Abdullah Abu Rahmeh. There have been two fatalities among protesters and an American peace activist suffered brain damage after being hit by a tear gas canister.

1920–1922 India Non-cooperation movement A series of nationwide people's movements of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience, led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) and the Indian National Congress. In addition to bringing about independence, Gandhi's nonviolence also helped improve the status of the Untouchables in Indian society.[bron?]
1923 Duitsland Ruhrbezetting With the aim of occupying the centre of German coal, iron, and steel production in the Ruhrgebied; France invaded Germany for neglecting some of its reparation payments after Eerste Wereldoorlog. The Ruhrbezetting was initially greeted by a campaign of passive resistance.
1930–1934 India Zoutmars Nonviolent resistance marked by rejecting British imposed taxes, boycotting British manufactured products and mass strikes, led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) and the Indian National Congress.
1933–1945 Duitsland Duits Verzet Throughout Tweede Wereldoorlog, there were a series of small and usually isolated groups that used nonviolent techniques against the Nazis. These groups include the Weiße Rose and the Bekennende Kirche.
1940–1943 Denemarken Deense verzetsbeweging Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, after the invasion of the Wehrmacht, the Danish government adopted a policy of official co-operation (and unofficial obstruction) which they called "negotiation under protest." Embraced by many Danes, the unofficial resistance included slow production, emphatic celebration of Danish culture and history, and bureaucratic quagmires.
1940–1944 Frankrijk Le Chambon-sur-Lignon Jewish refuge During World War II, with the leadership of two pacifistische local ministers André Trocmé and Edouard Theis, the citizens of the village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon (and of the neighbouring areas) risked their lives to hide Jews who were being rounded up by the Nazis and the collaborationist Vichy-regime and sent to the vernietigingskampen. This was done in open defiance of the Vichy government's orders. It is estimated that the people of the area of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon saved between 3,000–5,000 Jews from certain death. A small garden and plaque on the grounds of the Yad Vashem memorial to the Holocaust in Israel was dedicated to the people of le Chambon-sur-Lignon.
1940–1945 Nor Norwegian resistance movement During World War II, Norwegian civil disobedience included preventing the Nazification of Norway's educational system, distributing of illegal newspapers, and maintaining social distance (an "ice front") from the German soldiers.
1942 India Quit India Movemen The Quit India Movement (Bharat Chhodo Andolan or the August Movement) was a civil disobedience movement launched in India in August 1942 in response to Mohandas Gandhi's call for immediate independence.
1945–1971 South Africa Defiance Campaign

Internal resistance to South African apartheid
The ANC and allied anti-apartheid groups initially carried out non-violent resistance against pro-racial segregation and apartheid governments in South Africa.
1946–1958 Territory of Hawaii Hawaii Democratic Revolution of 1954 Following World War II, general strikes were initiated by the large working poor against racial and economic inequality under Hawaii's plantation economy. Movement members took over most of the government in 1954 and the State of Hawaii was established in 1959.
1955–1968 USA Civil Rights Movement

Chicano Movement

Mass anti-war protests in the United States
Tactics of nonviolent resistance, such as bus boycotts, Freedom Rides, sit-ins, marches, and mass demonstrations, were used during the Civil Rights Movement. This movement succeeded in bringing about legislative change, making separate seats, drinking fountains, and schools for African Americans illegal, and obtaining full Voting Rights and open housing. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of "the Beloved Community" was inspired by his leading Christians in nonviolent resistance. [23]
1957–present USA Committee for Non-Violent Action Among the most dedicated to nonviolent resistance against the US arsenal of nuclear weapons has been the Plowshares Movement, consisting largely of Catholic priests, such as Dan Berrigan, and nuns. Since the first Plowshares action in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania during the autumn of 1980, more than 70 of these actions have taken place. [24][25][26]
1959–present Cuba Cuban opposition since 1959 There have been many nonviolent activists in opposition to Cuba's authoritarian regime. Among these are Pedro Luis Boitel (1931–1972), Guillermo Fariñas Hernández ("El Coco"), and Jorge Luis García Pérez (known as Antúnez), all of whom have performed hunger strikes. [27][28][29]
1965–1972 USA Draft resistance During the Vietnam War, many young Americans chose to resist the military draft by refusing to cooperate with the Selective Service System. Techniques of resistance included misrepresenting one's physical or mental condition to the draft board, disrupting draft board processes, going "underground", going to jail, leaving the country, and publicly promoting such activities. [30][31][32]
February 11, 1967 USA Los Angeles Black Cat Protest(1), Homosexual Bar and Site of Civil Resistance to Heightened Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Raids against Homosexual Establishments throughout the City, especially in the Homosexual Quarter known as Sunset Junction(2) District/East Hollywood An Historic Cultural Monument, City of Los Angeles, recognized as a site of Peaceful Civil Resistance in the struggle for Homosexual Civil Rights in the United States. The standoff is significant in that it occurred a year prior to the 1968 Stonewall riots in New York. The Stonewall Bar in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan was listed to the National Register of Historic Places in 2001. A tense standoff and potential riot between Hundreds of LAPD riot gear-laden police officers, who were determined to quell the swelling crowds that exceeded four hundred homosexual citizens, was averted after a last minute plea from then new Governor Ronald Reagan, via an openly gay Republican Judicial Appointee who acted as a personal envoy of the Governor to LAPD Commanders at the site of the standoff, was accepted, and a stand down order given which ordered the hundreds of LAPD officers present to cease and desist from further unprovoked harassment of homosexuals in Los Angeles for decades. The plea was successfully communicated and accepted by the LAPD hierarchy, and represented the first time that a stand down order was given by the LAPD, and was the last time until 2001, that the Los Angeles Police Department would engage in raiding an establishment, or public assembly of homosexuals in Los Angeles for decades. The hundreds who gathered to peacefully protest raids perceived as unwarranted, and often violent, against LGBT meeting sites in Los Angeles, observed a success in the struggle for Homosexual Civil Rights.

[33] [34]

1967–1972 Northern Ireland Northern Ireland civil rights movement Movement led by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association seeking an end to discrimination against Catholics in areas such as elections (which were subject to gerrymandering and property requirements), discrimination in employment, in public housing, policing; and abuse of the Special Powers Act. The movement used marches, pickets, sit-ins and protests. In the wake of rising violence (Battle of the Bogside, 1969 Northern Ireland riots, Bloody Sunday 1972) NICRA ceased operation and the conflict descended into the violent "Troubles" which lasted until 1998.
1968 Worldwide Protests of 1968 The protests that raged throughout 1968 were for the most part student-led. Worldwide, campuses became the front-line battle grounds for social change. While opposition to the Vietnam War dominated the protests, students also protested for civil liberties, against racism, for feminism, and the beginnings of the Ecology movement can be traced to the protests against nuclear and biological weapons during this year.
1968 Czechoslovakia Prague Spring During the 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, the Czechoslovak citizens responded to the attack on their sovereignty with passive resistance. Russian troops were frustrated as street signs were painted over, their water supplies mysteriously shut off, and buildings decorated with flowers, flags, and slogans like, "An elephant cannot swallow a hedgehog."
1970–1981 France Larzac In response to an expansion of a military base, local farmers including José Bové and other supporters including Lanza del Vasto took part in nonviolent resistance. The military expansion was canceled after ten years of resistance.
1979 Iran Iranian Revolution The Iranian Revolution of 1979 or 1979 Revolution (often known as the Islamic Revolution), refers to events involving the overthrow of Iran's monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
1980–1981 as movement Poland Solidarity

Fighting Solidarity

Orange Alternative etc.
Solidarity, a broad anti-communist social movement ranging from people associated with the Roman Catholic Church workers and intellectuals to members of the anti-communist Left (minority), advocated non-violence in its members' activities. Additionally, the Orange Alternative offered a wider group of citizens an alternative way of opposition against the authoritarian regime by means of a peaceful protest that used absurd and nonsensical elements. [35][36][37]{{Self-published inline|certain=yes|date=December 2017}}
1986 Philippines People Power Revolution A series of nonviolent and prayerful mass street demonstrations that toppled Ferdinand Marcos and placed Corazon C. Aquino into power. After an election which had been condemned by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, over two million Filipinos protested human rights violations, election fraud, massive political corruption, and other abuses of the Marcos regime. Yellow was a predominant theme, the colour being associated with Corazon Aquino and her husband, Benigno S. Aquino Jr., who was assassinated three years prior.
1988–2016 Burma Nonviolent Movement for Freedom and Democracy Starting from 1988 Peaceful Demonstration led by Aung San Suu Kyi that caused her house arrest and thousands killed and jailed and tortured by the military, the struggle continues more than two decades. Despite of many victims and painful process (including annulled winning of 1990 election), it was happily ended by the victory of opposition party on 2015 election and Aung San Suu Kyi has elected as the country first state counsellor.{{clarify|date=May 2016}}
1987–1989/1991 The Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) Singing Revolution A cycle of mass demonstrations featuring spontaneous singing in The Baltic States. The movement eventually collected 4,000,000 people who sang national songs and hymns, which were strictly forbidden during the years of the Soviet occupation of the Baltic States, as local rock musicians played. In later years, people acted as human shields to protect radio and TV stations from the Soviet tanks, eventually regaining Lithuania's, Latvia's, and Estonia's independence without any bloodshed. [38]
1989 China Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 Nonviolence in 1989 Tiananmen protests
1989 Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR and Estonian SSR Baltic Way Approximately two million people joined their hands on 23 August 1989 to form a human chain spanning 675.5 kilometres (419.7 mi) across the three Baltic statesEstonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which were considered at the time to be constituent republics of the Soviet Union. It marked the 50th anniversary of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
1989 Czechoslovakia Velvet Revolution
1989–90 East Germany Monday demonstrations in East Germany The Monday demonstrations in East Germany in 1989 and 1990 (Montagsdemonstrationen) were a series of peaceful political protests against the authoritarian government of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) of East Germany that took place every Monday evening.
1990–91 Azerbaijan SSR Black January A crackdown of Azeri protest demonstrations by the Red Army in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR. The demonstrators protested against ethnic violence, demanded the ousting of communist officials and called for independence from the Soviet Union.
1996-97 Serbia 1996–1997 protests in Serbia The protests started November 17, 1996 in Niš where thousands of opposition supporters gathered to protest against election fraud. Belgrade University students joined on November 19, 1996 and protests lasted even after February 11, 1997, when Slobodan Milošević signed the "lex specialis", which accepted the opposition victory and instated local government in several cities, but without acknowledging any wrongdoing. The protests were strongest in the capital Belgrade, where they gathered up to 200,000 people, but spread over most cities and towns in Serbia.
2000 Serbia Otpor! Otpor! (English: Resistance!) was a civic youth movement that existed as such from 1998 until 2003 in Serbia (then a federal unit within FR Yugoslavia), employing nonviolent struggle against the regime of Slobodan Milošević as their course of action. In the course of two-year nonviolent struggle against Milosevic, Otpor spread across Serbia and attracted more than 70,000 supporters. They were credited for their role in the successful overthrow of Slobodan Milošević on 5 October 2000.
2003 Liberia Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace This peace movement, started by women praying and singing in a fish market, brought an end to the Second Liberian Civil War in 2003.
2003 Georgia Rose Revolution A pro-Western peaceful change of power in Georgia in November 2003. The revolution was brought about by widespread protests over the disputed parliamentary elections and culminated in the ousting of President Eduard Shevardnadze, which marked the end of the Soviet era of leadership in the country. The event derives its name from the climactic moment, when demonstrators led by Mikheil Saakashvili stormed the Parliament session with red roses in hand.
2004–05 Israel Israel's unilateral disengagement plan of 2004 Protesters opposing Israel's unilateral disengagement plan of 2004 nonviolently resisted impending evacuations of Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Protesters blocked several traffic intersections, resulting in massive gridlock and delays throughout Israel. While Israeli police had received advance notice of the action, opening traffic intersections proved extremely difficult. Eventually, over 400 demonstrators were arrested, including many juveniles. Further large demonstrations planned to commence when Israeli authorities, preparing for disengagement, cut off access to the Gaza Strip. During the confrontation, mass civil disobedience failed to emerge in Israel proper. However, some settlers and their supporters resisted evacuation non-violently.
2004–2005 Ukraine Orange Revolution A series of protests and political events that took place in Ukraine in the immediate aftermath of the run-off vote of the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election which was marred by massive corruption, voter intimidation and direct electoral fraud. Nationwide, the democratic revolution was highlighted by a series of acts of civil disobedience, sit-ins, and general strikes organized by the opposition movement.
2005 Lebanon Cedar Revolution A chain of demonstrations in Lebanon (especially in the capital Beirut) triggered by the assassination of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on February 14, 2005.
2005–06, 2009 Ukraine Remember about the Gas – Do not buy Russian goods! A campaign to boycott Russian goods as a reaction to political pressure of Russian Federation to Ukraine in the gas conflicts of 2005–2006 and 2008–2009 years.
2010–2011 Tunisia Tunisian Revolution A chain of demonstrations against unemployment and government corruption in Tunisia began in December 2010. Protests were triggered by the self-immolation of vegetable seller Mohamed Bouazizi and resulted in the overthrow of 24-year-ruling president Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali on January 14, 2011.
2011 Egypt Egyptian Revolution A chain of protests, sit-ins, and strikes by millions of Egyptians starting January 25, 2011 eventually led to the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak on February 11.
2011 Libya Libyan Protests Protests against the regime of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi began on January 13, 2011. In late January, Jamal al-Hajji, a writer, political commentator and accountant, "call[ed] on the Internet for demonstrations to be held in support of greater freedoms in Libya" inspired by the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions. He was arrested on 1 February by plain-clothes police officers, and charged on 3 February with injuring someone with his car. Amnesty International stated that because al-Hajji had previously been imprisoned for his non-violent political opinions, the real reason for the present arrest appeared to be his call for demonstrations.[39] In early February, Gaddafi, on behalf of the Jamahiriya, met with political activists, journalists and media figures and warned them that they would be held responsible if they disturbed the peace or created chaos in Libya.[40] The plans to protest were inspired by the Tunisian and Egyptian revolution.
2011 Syria Syrian Uprising Protests against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad began on March 15, 2011. Security forces responded with a harsh crackdown, arresting thousands of dissidents and killing hundreds of protesters. Peaceful protests were largely crushed by the army or subsided as rebels and Islamist fighters took up arms against the government, leading to a full-blown rebellion against the Assad regime.
2011 India 2011 Indian anti-corruption movement The movement gained momentum from 5 April 2011, when anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare began a hunger strike at the Jantar Mantar in New Delhi. The chief legislative aim of the movement was to alleviate corruption in the Indian government through introduction of the Jan Lokpal Bill. Another aim, spearheaded by Ramdev, was the repatriation of black money from Swiss and other foreign banks.
2011–present Bahrain Bahraini uprising (2011–present) Inspired by the regional Arab Spring, protests started in Bahrain on 14 February. The government responded harshly, killing four protesters camping in Pearl Roundabout. Later, protesters were allowed to reoccupy the roundabout where they staged large marches amounting to 150,000 participants.

On 14 March, Saudi-led GCC forces were requested by the government and entered the country, which the opposition called an "occupation". The following day, a state of emergency was declared and protests paused after a brutal crackdown was launched against protesters, including doctors and bloggers. Nearly 3,000 people have been arrested, and at least five people died due to torture while in police custody.

Protests resumed after lifting emergency law on 1 June, and several large rallies were staged by the opposition parties, including a march on 9 March 2012 attended by over 100,000. Smaller-scale protests and clashes outside of the capital have continued to occur almost daily. More than 80 people had died since the start of the uprising.

1979–present Saudi Arabia Saudi uprising (1979–present)

1979 Qatif Uprising

Saudi Arabian protests

Shia Islam in Saudi Arabia#Discrimination in the workforce

Execution of Nimr al-Nimr#Street protests
Shiite community leaders in Qatif announced that they would publicly celebrate the Day of Ashura festival, despite the fact that celebration of Shiite festivals was banned. Despite government threats to disperse protests, on 25 November 1979 4,000 Shiite in Safwa took to the streets to publicly celebrate the Day of Ashura. Shia are prohibited from becoming teachers of religious subjects, which constitute about half of the courses in secondary education. Shia cannot become principals of schools. Some Shia have become university professors but often face harassment from students and faculty alike. Shia are disqualified as witnesses in court, as Saudi Sunni sources cite the Shi'a practise of Taqiyya wherein it is permissible to lie while one is in fear or at risk of significant persecution. Shia cannot serve as judges in ordinary court, and are banned from gaining admission to military academies,[34] and from high-ranking government or security posts, including becoming pilots in Saudi Airlines. Amir Taheri quotes a Shi'ite businessman from Dhahran as saying "It is not normal that there are no Shi'ite army officers, ministers, governors, mayors and ambassadors in this kingdom. This form of religious apartheid is as intolerable as was apartheid based on race.[42]{{Circular reference|date=February 2017}} In October 2011, during the 2011–12 Saudi Arabian protests, al-Nimr said that young people protesting in response to the arrests of two al-Awamiyah septuagenarians were provoked by police firing at them with live ammunition. On 4 October, he called for calm, stating, "The [Saudi] authorities depend on bullets ... and killing and imprisonment. We must depend on the roar of the word, on the words of justice".[11] He explained further, "We do not accept [the use of firearms]. This is not our practice. We will lose it. It is not in our favour. This is our approach [use of words]. We welcome those who follow such [an] attitude. Nonetheless, we cannot enforce our methodology on those who want to pursue different approaches [and] do not commit to ours. The weapon of the word is stronger than the power of bullets."[43]{{Circular reference|date=February 2017}}
2012–present Mexico Yo Soy 132
2013–present Turkey 2013 protests in Turkey Peaceful protests against reconstruction of Gezi Park at Istanbul's landmark Taksim Square, turned into protests against Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Over one million people nonviolently resisted police brutal force. Started in Istanbul, protests spread in 10 days to over 82 cities of Turkey. Significant violence from the police side was manifested by use of tear gas and rubber bullets. Many people were arrested, including haphazard arrests of people simply standing at the square. [44]
2013–present Ukraine Do not buy Russian goods! A campaign to boycott Russian goods as a reaction to a series of Russian trade embargos against Ukraine and military invasion of Russia in Ukraine.
2014 Taiwan Sunflower Student Movement The activists protested the passing of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) by occupying the Legislative Yuan from March 18 and 10 April 2014.
2014–present Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution Student class boycotts and public demonstrations followed by spontaneous outbreak of civil disobedience and street occupation lasting 79 days.
2016–present Zimbabwe #ThisFlag Movement Mass Stay Aways which were backed by a rigorous social media campaign to bring social and political change in Zimbabwe.
2017 Tamil Nadu – India 2017 pro-Jallikattu protests Peaceful demonstrations organized primarily by civilians, without any specific leaders, followed by outbreak of civil disobedience and people occupying Marina shore in Chennai and other prominent places across the state, demanding permanent solution for Jallikattu by passing permanent ordinance to support Jallikattu and to boycott foreign companies such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola as their water consumption is affecting local farmers.
2016–2017 South Korea Impeachment of Park Geun-hye Peaceful demonstrations against president Park Geun-hye resulted the impeachment of the South Korean president.
2017 Catalonia - Spain Catalan independence referendum On October 1, 2017 an illegal referendum was held on the independence of Catalonia. 2,286,217 people participated. During the celebration the police forces acted hard against the voters.
2018–present Iran White Wednesdays

Girl of Enghelab Street
Peaceful demonstrations against compulsory hijab and sex discrimination.
2018 Tamil Nadu – India Anti-Sterlite protest 100-day peaceful demonstration against Sterlite Copper Corporation in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. Despite pollution control regulatory & environmental research institute reports along with apex court orders to shutdown the industry smelting operation were continued. Public demanded State to stop further expansion plans as a continuum of response against ill effects of pollution caused by the smelter.
2018–present Sudan 2018–19 Sudanese protests

Khartoum massacre
Peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins against the regime of Omar al-Bashir and succeeding military junta.
2019–present Algeria 2019 Algerian protests Peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins against the regime of Abdelaziz Bouteflika.
2019– present India Shaheen Bagh protests Ongoing peaceful protests led by Muslim ladies against CAA among other things.

Documentaires[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  • A Force More Powerful, geregisseerd door Steve York
  • How to Start a Revolution, geregisseerd door Ruaridh Arrow

Organisaties en mensen[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Concepten[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Noten[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  1. Lang, Berel (1970). Civil Disobedience and Nonviolence: A Distinction with a Difference. Ethics 80 (2).
  2. A Force More Powerful. A Force More Powerful (1 juli 2010). Gearchiveerd op 17 september 2010. Geraadpleegd op 1 september 2010.
  3. Cunningham, K. G. (16 May 2013). Understanding strategic choice: The determinants of civil war and nonviolent campaign in self-determination disputes. Journal of Peace Research 50 (3): 291–304. DOI: 10.1177/0022343313475467.
  4. Diamond, Jared (1997). Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies (book). W. W. Norton & Company, pp. 53. ISBN 978-0-393-03891-0. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  5. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute (book). New Zealand Institute (1902), pp. 124. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  6. Rawlings-Way, Charles (2008). New Zealand (book). Lonely Planet, pp. 686. ISBN 978-1-74104-816-2. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  7. Littell, Eliakim (1846). The Living Age. Littell, Son and Co., 410. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  8. Capadose, Henry (1845). Sixteen Years in the West Indies. T.C. Newby. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  9. Resistance to conscription – Maori and the First World War |, New Zealand history online. (17 juli 2007). Gearchiveerd op 23 mei 2010. Geraadpleegd op 1 september 2010.
  10. James Cowan, The New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period: Volume II, 1922, page 478.. Gearchiveerd op 11 december 2009. Geraadpleegd op 15 mei 2009.
  11. The Legacy of Parihaka. Gearchiveerd op 11 mei 2008. Geraadpleegd op 15 februari 2008.
  12. Searle, G.R. (1971). The Quest for National Efficiency: a Study in British Politics and Political Thought, 1899–1914. University of California Press, 207–16. ISBN 9780520017948. Geraadpleegd op 27 oktober 2015.
  13. McCarthy, Ronald (1997). Nonviolent action: a research guide (book). Taylor & Francis, pp. 342. ISBN 978-0-8153-1577-3. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  14. Powers, Roger (1997). Protest, Power, and Change (book). Taylor & Francis, pp. 314. ISBN 978-0-8153-0913-0. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  15. Why Did Mao, Nehru and Tagore Applaud the March First Movement?. Korea Focus. Gearchiveerd op 28 september 2011. Geraadpleegd op 1 september 2010.
  16. Hopkinson, Michael (2004). The Irish War of Independence (book). McGill-Queen's Press – MQUP, pp. 13. ISBN 978-0-7735-2840-6. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  17. "EU rebukes Israel for convicting Palestinian protester", BBC News, 26 augustus 2010. Gearchiveerd op 18 oktober 2018. Geraadpleegd op 21 juli 2018.
  18. Dajani, Jamal, "Deporting Gandhi from Palestine", Huffington Post, 21 april 2010. Gearchiveerd op 24 april 2010. Geraadpleegd op 25 april 2011.
  19. "Palestinians test out Gandhi-style protest", BBC News, 14 april 2010. Gearchiveerd op 18 mei 2014. Geraadpleegd op 25 april 2011.
  20. Dana, Joseph, "Criminalizing Peaceful Protest: Israel Jails Another Palestinian Gandhi", Huffington Post, 25 oktober 2010. Gearchiveerd op 11 november 2012. Geraadpleegd op 25 april 2011.
  21. "West Bank Arrest Violated International Law, Palestinian Claims", Haaretz, 24 april 2011. Gearchiveerd op 25 april 2011. Geraadpleegd op 25 april 2011.
  22. Archived copy. Gearchiveerd op 1 mei 2013. Geraadpleegd op 25 april 2011.
  23. Arsenault, Raymond (2006). Freedom Riders (book). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-513674-6. Geraadpleegd op 12 mei 2009 "Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice."
  24. Garrison, Dee (2006). Bracing for Armageddon: why civil defense never worked (book). Oxford University Press US, 89. ISBN 978-0-19-518319-1. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  25. Knopf, Jeffrey W. (1998). Domestic society and international cooperation (book). Cambridge University Press, 122–123. ISBN 978-0-521-62691-0. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  26. Bennett, Scott (2003). Radical pacifism (book). Syracuse University Press, 235–236. ISBN 978-0-8156-3003-6. Geraadpleegd op 20 mei 2009.
  27. Guillermo Fariñas ends seven-month-old hunger strike for Internet access. Reporters Without Borders (1 september 2006). Gearchiveerd op 22 February 2006. Geraadpleegd op 1 May 2009.
  28. Amnesty International USA's Medical Action. Gearchiveerd op 16 juni 2009. Geraadpleegd op 3 mei 2009.
  29. Pérez, José Luis García (2005). Boitel vive: Testimonio desde el actual presidio político cubano (book). Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, pp. 7. ISBN 978-987-21129-3-6. Geraadpleegd op 5 mei 2009.
  30. Foley, Michael S. (2003). Confronting the War Machine: Draft Resistance During the Vietnam War. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 978-0-80782-767-3.
  31. Gottlieb, Sherry Gershon (1991). Hell No, We Won't Go!: Resisting the Draft During the Vietnam War. Viking Press. ISBN 978-0-670-83935-3.
  32. Williams, Roger Neville (1971). The New Exiles: American War Resisters in Canada (gearchiveerd). Liveright Publishers. ISBN 978-0-87140-533-3.
  33. (1) Adair, Bill; Kenny, Moira; and Samudio, Jeffrey B., 2000, Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian History Tour (single folded sheet with text). Center for Preservation Education and Planning. ISBN 0-9648304-7-7
  34. (2) Faderman, Lillian and Timmons, Stuart (2006). Gay L.A.: a History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, and Lipstick Lesbians. New York: Basic Books. ISBN 978-0-465-02288-5
  35. Steger, Manfred B (January 2004). Judging Nonviolence: The Dispute Between Realists and Idealists (ebook). Routledge (UK), pp. 114. ISBN 978-0-415-93397-1. Geraadpleegd op 9 juli 2006.
  36. Justice Without Violence (ebook). Lynne Rienner Publishers (February 1993), pp. 28. ISBN 978-1-55587-491-9. Geraadpleegd op 6 juli 2006.
  37. Cavanaugh-O'Keefe, John (January 2001). Emmanuel, Solidarity: God's Act, Our Response. Xlibris Corporation, 68. ISBN 978-0-7388-3864-9.
  38. Summary/Observations – The 2006 State of World Liberty Index: Free People, Free Markets, Free Thought, Free Planet. Gearchiveerd op 30 september 2010. Geraadpleegd op 1 september 2010.
  39. Libyan Writer Detained Following Protest Call. Amnesty International (8 February 2011). Gearchiveerd op 9 February 2011. Geraadpleegd op 18 March 2011.
  40. Mahmoud, Khaled, "Gaddafi Ready for Libya's 'Day of Rage'", Asharq Al-Awsat, 9 February 2011. Gearchiveerd op 23 February 2011. Geraadpleegd op 10 February 2011.
  41. Due to nature of this table, inline citations weren't used. All references can be found at Bahrain#2011–2012 Bahraini uprising
  42. Shia Islam in Saudi Arabia
  43. 2011–12 Saudi Arabian protests
  44. – online archive of articles and data related to the Turkish protests 2013. Gearchiveerd op 19 juni 2013. Geraadpleegd op 18 juni 2013.

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Externe links[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  • [1], documentaire geregisseerd door Ruaridh Arrow
