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Gebruiker:Fruitcake/Kladblok/Onafhankelijke film

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Onafhankelijke film (Engels: independent of indie film) is een omschrijving voor low-budget films welke worden geproduceerd door kleinere filmstudio's. Minder commercieel geörienteerde kunstfilms welke afwijken van de gebruikelijke wijze waarop mainstream (hollywood) films worden geproduceerd, worden eveneens onafhankelijke film genoemd. Dit soort films wordt vaak door divisies van grotere filmstudio's, zoals Warner Independent Film of Fox Searchlight (van 20th Century Fox). In 2005 was ongeveer 15% van de totale (zgn. Box Office) inkomsten in de V.S afkomstig van onafhankelijke filmmakers.[1]Onafhankelijk films zijn vaak te onderscheiden door de inhoud, of de (ongebruikelijke) wijze waarop de film gemaakt is. De oorspronkelijke persoonlijke en creatieve visie van de regisseur of schrijver van de film blijft meestal behouden in de uiteindelijke film.

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De ontwikkeling van het circuit waarbinnen onafhankelijke films geproduceerd werden is in de jaren 90 en in het nieuwe millennium gestimuleerd door verschillende factoren, waaronder de komst van goedkopere HD-camera's die konden concurreren met de kwaliteit van de 35 mm film (die gebruikelijk was voor deze tijd) en makkelijk te gebruiken software om filmmateriaal op de computer te monteren en de toegenomen zichtbaarheid van onafhankelijke filmfestivals (zoals het Sundance Film Fetival in de V.S)

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History[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

The roots of independent film can be traced back to when the early pioneer filmmakers in the 1900s who resisted the control of the a company called the Motion Picture Patents Company and the Edison trusts. Independent filmmakers built their own cameras and moved to Southern California where they laid the foundations of the American film industry as well as the Hollywood studio.

The studio system eventually became so powerful that some filmmakers once again sought independence as a result. Independent filmmakers around the world have created a diverse range of filmmaking styles that symbolize their own unique cultures and subcultures such as experimental film and underground film. Some independent filmmakers use digital video techniques. While most of the U.S. film industry is located in Los Angeles, one-third of all independent films in the U.S. are produced in New York City.

Technology[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Until the advent of digital alternatives, the cost of professional film equipment and stock was a major obstacle to independent filmmakers who wanted to make their own films. The cost of 35 mm film is steadily rising: in 2002 alone, film negative costs were up 23%, according to Variety.[2] Studio-quality filming typically required expensive lighting and post-production facilities.

But the advent of consumer camcorders in 1985, and more importantly, the arrival of high-definition digital video in the early 1990s, have since lowered the technology barrier to movie production considerably. Both production and post-production costs have been significantly lowered; today, the hardware and software for post-production can be installed in a commodity-based personal computer. Technologies such as DVD, FireWire connections and professional-level non-linear editing system software make movie-making relatively inexpensive.

The first independent film released on HD DVD was One Six Right on November 1, 2006.[3][4][5]

Software[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Popular software (including commercial, consumer level and open source) includes:

Mac OS X



Equipment[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Popular digital camcorders, mostly semi-professional equipment with 3-CCD technology, include:

Most of these camcorders cost between US$2,000–$5,000 in 2003, with costs continuing to decline as features are subtracted, and as models depreciate. Additionally, open source software holds the potential for increasing high-level editing capabilities being available for also increasingly lower prices, both for free and paid software.

Independent versus major: Indiewood[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Creatively, it has long been increasingly difficult to get studio backing for experimental films. Experimental elements in theme and style are typically inhibitors for the Big Six studios.

On the business side, the cost of big-budget studio films also leads to conservative choices in cast and crew. The problem is exacerbated by the trend towards co-financing (over two-thirds of the films put out by Warner Bros. in 2000 were joint ventures, up from 10% in 1987).[2] An unproven film director is almost never given the opportunity to get his or her big break with the studios unless he or she otherwise has significant industry experience in film or television. Films with "unknowns" in the cast, particularly in lead roles, are also rarely produced by the Big Six.

Furthermore, another key expense for independent movie makers is the music for the film. The licensing fees for popular songs can range between US$10,000–$20,000.

Independent movie-making has resulted in the proliferation and repopularization of short films and short film festivals. Full-length films are often showcased at film festivals such as the Sundance Film Festival, the Slamdance Film Festival, the South By Southwest film festival, the Raindance Film Festival, or the Cannes Film Festival. Award winners from these exhibitions often get picked up for distribution by major film studios, and go on to worldwide releases.

North American "independent" studios[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

{{unreferenced|date=July 2006}} The major commercial film industry in the United States is in Hollywood, while much of the independent film industry is in New York City. The following studios are considered to be the most prevalent of the independent studios (they are used to produce/release independent films and foreign-language films):

Note that many of the above studios are actually subsidiaries of larger studios — for example, Sony Pictures Classics is owned by Sony Pictures and is designed to develop less commercial, more character driven films, and Fox Searchlight (which released the surprise hit Bend It Like Beckham in 2002) belongs to the same company that owns 20th Century Fox. Subsidiaries of major studios, as part of their larger, major studio parent companies, are not "true" independent film studios. Furthermore, companies such as Lucasfilm often co-finance their productions and partner with Big Six studios for distribution.

In addition to these higher profile "independent" studios there are thousands of smaller production companies that produce truly independent films every year. These smaller companies look to regionally release their films theatrically or for additional financing and resources to distribute, advertise and exhibit their project on a national scale. The direct-to-video market is not often noted as artistically fertile ground but among its many entries are ambitious independent films that either failed to achieve theatrical distribution or did not seek it. Moving forward, particularly as theatrical filming goes digital and distribution eventually follows, the line between "film," direct-to-disc productions, and feature-length videos whose main distribution channel is wholly electronic, should continue to blur.

Further reading[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  • Lyons, Donald (1994). Independent Visions: A Critical Introduction to Recent Independent American Film. Ballantine Books. ISBN 0-345-38249-8.
  • Pierson, John (1996). Spike, Mike, Slackers & Dykes: A Guided Tour Across a Decade of Independent Cinema. Miramax Books. ISBN 0-7868-6189-4.
  • Redding, Judith, Brownworth, Victoria (1997). Film Fatales: Independent Women Directors. Seal Press. ISBN 1-878067-97-4.
  • Levy, Emanuel (1999). Cinema of Outsiders: The Rise of American Independent Film. New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-5123-7.
  • Merritt, Greg (2000). Celluloid Mavericks: The History of American Independent Film. Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 1-56025-232-4.
  • Biskind, Peter (2004). Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance, and the Rise of Independent Film. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-86259-X.
  • Pierson, John (2004). Spike Mike Reloaded. Miramax Books. ISBN 1-4013-5950-7.

See also[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Referenties[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  1. MPAA data from January to March 2005
  2. a b Sharing Pix is Risky Business Retrieved June 23, 2007.
  3. HD DVD Digest: Indie Terwilliger Jumps Into HD DVD with 'Romance of Flying'. October 4, 2006
  4. HighDef Magazine: 34 to 24 on AJA KONA. Page 34, Jan/Feb 2007
  5. One Six Right ..1st indie film on HD-DVD. anybody seen this yet?. user forum, March 9, 2007

External links[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]