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  1. Italië (1908-1922/1943/G.L.I.) Rome, Italië
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  1. The Honourable Fraternity of Antient Masonry The Order of Women Freemasons (1908) (Britse fed DH)

Taxil[brontekst bewerken]

Caveat: let the reader be aware, that Taxil becomes more Lucifer-like in his attacks on both the Catholic church and Freemasonry; Taxil’s full confession to his hoax about Freemaonsry is recorded in the newspaper: Le Frondeur 18 (April 1897).

a. General Taxil Info, Web Sites, & Refutation ~ TOP Taxil, Léo (1854-1907; original name, Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès). Le Culte du Grand Architecte. London: 1886. — Les Mysteres de la Franc-Maçonnerie. Paris: 1888. — Les Frères Trois-Points. Paris, Letouzey et Ané, c.1885. Series: Révélations complètes sur la Francmaçonnerie. 2 vols. — Le Frondeur 18 (April 1897), Taxil gave a full transcript of his confession of the hoax. — Les assassinats maçonniques. Et Paul Verdun. Paris: A. Savine, 1889?. 404p. — La Bible Amusante (in Russian: Zabavnaia Bibliia; pod redaktsie V. Shishakova). Moskva: Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1961. 468p. — Le 33rd Crispi, un palladiste homme d’état démasqué : histoire documentée du héros depuis sa naissance jusqu’a sa deuxième mort (1819-1896). Under pseud. Diana Vaughan Paris: Librairie Antimaçonnique, 1896. 498p. Francesco Crispi (1818-1901). — Mémoires d’une ex-palladiste, parfaite initée, indépendante. Paris: A. Pierret, 1895-1897. 768p. Author’s pseud.: Miss Diana Vaughan, at head of title. — Le procès des éditeurs de Saint-Sulpice. Ouvrage édité par l’auteur. Paris: Librairie du gymnase, 1892?. 563p. — Pie IX franc-maçon. Paris: Téqui, 1892. 140p. — Le martyre de Jeanne d’arc; par L. Taxil et Paul Fesch. Paris: Letouzey & Ané, 1890. 526p. — Os mysterios da egreja. Versão de Gomes Leal. Lisbon: Empreza Luso-Brazileira, 1889. 2 vols. — La France maçonnique; nouvelles divulgations. Paris: Bureaux de la Petite Guerre, 1888. 446p. — Les soeurs maconnes. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1886. 388p. — Jizvit tarihi. Mütercimi, Ahmet Rasim. Kostantiniye: Matbaa-y Ebüzziya, 1886. 44p. — Les livres secrets des confesseurs : dévoilés aux pères de familie : cet édition scrupuleusement conforme aux textes originaux des traités de luxure en usage dans les séminaires est faíte. Paris: Librairie Anti-clericale, 1884. 687p. Librairie Anti-clericale, includes texts of several manuals for Catholic priests for use in confession, relating to sexual ethics. Taxil was first anti-Catholic in his sensationalism before latching onto Freemasonry. — La prostitution contemporaine; étude d’une question sociale. Illustrations by Hope, i.e. Léon Choubrac. Paris: Libraire populaire, 1884. Paris: Libr. populaire, 1884. 508p. — L’art de bien Acheter: guide de la ménagère mise en garde contre les fraudes de l’alimentation : moyens pratiques de reconnaitre toutes les trumperies. Mme Jeanne Savarin. Paris: E. Petit, 1901?. 160p. — Pseudonym: Antiguo camarero del papa. Los Amores Secretos de Pio IX / por un Antiguo Camarero del Papa. Nueva Yorck: Imp. y Libreria del Siglo XIX, 1881?. 2 vols. Series: Biblioteca Republicana Anti-clerical. Foreword by C.-S. Volpi. — La Corruption Fin-de-siècle. Paris: Noirot, n.d. 425p.

Miller, Edith Star (Lady Queenborough). Occult Theocrasy. 1933. One of first modern places of the false Lucifer quote attributed to Pike by Léo Taxil in a slanderous hoax. De la Rive, Abel Clarin. La Femme et L’Enfant dans la Franc-Maçonnerie Universelle (Woman and Child in Universal Freemasonry). 1894. One first uses of false Lucifer quote attributed to Pike by Léo Taxil in a slanderous hoax. Bernheim, Alain, 32°, A. William Samii, 32°, and Eric Serejski, 32°, trans. “The Confession of Léo Taxil.” Heredom, Transactions of the Scottish Research Society, vol. 5 (1997): 137-68. First appeared in French Parisian newspaper, Le Frondeur, on April 25, 1897.[1], you can see a copy of Taxil’s confession translated into English.[2] This side is sponsored by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, as well as deHoyos and Morris’ two bibliographic lists and other information, including a substantial list of biographies of famous Freemasons with pictures., you can see copies of Taxil’s original Satanic posters., you can read some of the controversy., for an account of Taxil’s lodge expulsion for dishonesty, among the accusations were plagiarism and lies, like the little book The Secret Love Affairs of Pope Pius IX under the guise of being merely anti-clerical., modern treatment of anti-Mason stuff by Dennis Stock;, list of articles against anti-Mason propaganda.

The following division and lists came mostly from with a few additions: Art deHoyos and S. Brent Morris. Is It True What They Say about Freemasonry?: the Methods of Anti-Masons. Foreword and addendum by James T. Tresner. NY: M. Evans and Co., 2004. 262p. (Silver Spring, MD: Masonic Service Center, 1997; 1st 1993.) And several web sites host this division too. Art deHoyos and Morris’ book is a significant contribution to the literature and a most excellent refutation. There may actually be a few anti-Masons out there that are sincere rather than deceptive opportunists, and if any sincere ones exist, they would do well to attempt to address this book.

b. Publications Still Duped by Taxil’s Hoax ~ TOP Rather than duped, I think most of these willinginly and knowing participating in the continued hoax and defamation.

Amini, Muhammad Safwat al-Saqqa and Sa’di Abu Habib. Freemasonry. NY: Muslim World League, 1982. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Anonymous. Freemasonry Antichrist Upon Us. 3rd ed. Boring, OR: CPA Books, n.d. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Burns, Cathy. Hidden Secrets of Masonry. Mt. Carmel, PN: Sharing, 1990. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Chick, Jack T. The Curse of Baphomet. Chino, CA: Chick Publications, 1991, 1993. Makes use of Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Daniel, John. Scarlet and the Beast. 3 vols. Tyler, TX: Jon Kregal, 1994: vol. 1, 373, 380. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Decker. J. Edward Jr., and Dave Hunt, The God Makers. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1984. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Decker, J. Edward, Jr. The Question of Freemasonry. Issaquah, WA: Free the Masons Ministries, n.d. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. de la Rive, A. C. La Femme et L’Enfant dans la Franc-Maçonnerie Universelle (Women and Children in Universal Freemasonry). 1889. Anti-Mason who quotes Pike from Leo Taxil’s hoax as saying Lucifer is Adonai. A very popular perpetuation of a lie. Griffin, Des. Fourth Reich of the Rich. Clackamas, OR: Emissary Pub., 1976. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Harris, Jack. Freemasonry: The Invisible Cult in Our Midst. Towson, MD: Jack Harris, 1983. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Holly, James L. The Southern Baptist Convention and Freemasonry. 3 vols.; Beaumont, TX: Mission and Ministry to Men, 1992; 57p.; 1993, 2 vols.; 1994 edition, vol. 3, 366p.; has a critique of “A study of Freemasonry” and “A report on Freemasonry’ including a response to Dr. William Gordon’s critique of “The SBC and Freemasonry, Volume I” and a cumulative index to all three volumes.). Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Kah, Gary H. En Route to Global Occupation. Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Pub., 1992: 114, 124. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Kirban, Salem. Satan’s Angels Exposed. U.S.A. Salem Kirban. 1980. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Marrs, Texe. Dark Secrets of the New Age. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1987. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Mullins, Eustace. The Curse of Canaan. Staunton, Va.: Revelation Books, 1986. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Robertson, Pat. The New World Order. Waco, TX: World Publishing, 1991. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Schnoebelen, William. Masonry: Beyond the Light. Chino, CA: Chick Publications, 1991. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Short, Martin. Inside the Brotherhood. NY: Dorset Press, 1990. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible. Taylor, Harmon R. “Mixing Oil with Water.” The Evangelist (June 1986): 47–49. Uses Léo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer as credible.

c. Publications Exposing Taxil’s Hoax ~ TOP Allgemeines Handbuch der Freimaurerei. 3d ed. Leipzig: Max Hesse’s Verlag, 1901: s.v. “Taxil, Leo.” 2 vols. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Coil, Henry W., et al. Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia. NY: Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., 1961: s.v. “Pike, Albert,” “Penalties, Masonic,” and “Taxil, Leo.” Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Diestel, Ernst. “La Diablerie de Leo Taxil.” Le Symbolisme 77 & 78 (Sept. & Oct. 1924: 212–223, 245–249. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Gaudart de Soulages, Michel, and Hubert Lamant. Dictionnaire des Francs-Maçons Français. Paris: Editions Albatros, 1980: s.v. “Taxil.” Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Gerber, Hildebrand. [H. Gruber, S.J.]. Leo Taxil’s Palladisrnus-Roman. 3 vols. Berlin: Verlag der Germania, 1897. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 3rd ed.: s.v. “Taxil, Lèo.” Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Hastings, James, ed. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. S.v. “Satanism,” by E. Sidney Hartland. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Jarrige, Michel. “La Franc-Maçonnerie Démasquee: D’Apres un fonds inedit de la Bibliothèque National.” Politica Hermetica 4 (1990): 38-53. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Laurant, Jean-Pierre. “Le Dossier Léo Taxil du fonds Jean Baylot de la Bibliothèque National.” Politica Hermetica 4 (1990); 55-67. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Lennhoff, Eugen and Oskar Posner. Internationales Freimauerlexikon. Reprint, 1932 ed. Munich: Amalthea-Verlag, n.d.: s.v. “Taxil, Leo.” Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Limouzin-Lamothe, R., in, New Catholic Encyclopedia: s.v. “Taxil, Leo.” Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. MacDougall, Curtis D. Hoaxes. NY: MacMillan, 1949 (Reprint NY: Dover, 1958). McIntosh, Christopher. Eliphas Lèvi and the French Occult Revival. NY: Samuel Weiser, 1974. — The Rosicrucians. Wellingborough: Crucible, 1980, 1987. Mellor, Alec. Dictionnaire de la Franc-Maçonnerie et des Franc-Maçons. Paris: Editions Pierre Belfond, 1975: s.v. “Taxil Gabriel-Antoine (Jogand-Pagès dit Léo),” “Anti-Maçonnerie: Le XIXe Siècle.” — “A Hoaxer or Genius—Leo Taxil (1890-7).” Our Separated Brethren, the Freemasons. Translated by B. R. Feinson. London: G. G. Harrap & Co.. 1961. — Strange Masonic Stories. Richmond. Va.: Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc., 1982. Give account of Lèo Taxil”s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Morey, Robert A. The Truth About Masons. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1993. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Morris, S. Brent. “Albert Pike and Lucifer: The Lie That Will Not Die.” The Short Talk Bulletin 71:6 (June 1993). Gives account of Lèo Taxil slanderous hoax on Albert Pike, Freemasonry and Lucifer. — Masonic Philanthropies: A Tradition of Caring. Lexington, MA: Washington: The Supreme Councils 33°, 1991. Robinson, John J. A Pilgrim’s Path: Freemasonry and the Religious Right. NY: M. Evans and Co., 1993. 178p. Rudwin, Maximilian. The Devil in Legend and Literature. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1931. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Steiner, Rudolf. The Temple Legend. Trans. John M. Wood. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1985. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. “Taxil-Schwindel, Der.” Freimaurer: Solange die Welt besteht. Catalog of a special exhibition of the History Museum of Vienna (September 18, 1992–January 10 1993): 268–370. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Waite, Arthur E. Devil Worship in France or the Question of Lucifer. London: George Redway, 1896. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. — A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. New & rev. ed. NY: Weathervane Books. 1970. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Walters, Wesley P. “A Curious Case of Fraud.” The Quarterly Journal 9:4 (Oct.–Dec. 1989): 4 &7. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Weber, Eugen. Satan Franc-Maçon: La mystification de Léo Taxil. Mesnilsur-l’Estrée, France: Collection Archives Julliard, 1964. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine. Wright, Gordon. Notable or Notorious? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s slander of Albert Pike with false Luciferian doctrine.